May 9, 2022

As we approach this unusual holiday season, I’ve been thinking about my role as a leader.

Normally, the end of the year is a great time to team-build and celebrate with gifts, bonuses, and holiday parties. But this year isn’t like past years, especially for companies that are struggling financially.}

It’s important for leaders to remember there’s something more meaningful they give their team:

What people really crave, at work, and in life, is appreciation. Everybody wants to know that they are valued. Thoughtful, sincere praise might be the most underutilized gift leaders can give.

Whether it’s a personalized note, a video call, or something more public, leaders need to reach out to their teams and help them feel good about themselves.

Public praise also really boosts morale. That’s always true, but maybe even more so this year, when people have been physically isolated and might be suffering from lack of community. Public recognition really makes people feel good, and it helps bind teams together.

This isn’t just about Alliance employees. I’m also thinking about our many partners. We work with attorneys, accountants, bankers, brokers, and many other fantastic professionals. They make big contributions to our success, and they deserve recognition too.

As a leader, it’s my part of my job to help lift the team up. As we approach the end of a very challenging year, this is the time to think carefully about how people are feeling right now, and how I can help.Emotional intelligence has never been more valuable than it is right now.

We’re all in this together.

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