Jan 25, 2022
Just because the calendar year is turning, doesn’t mean people want to read some “humble brag”, curated email about how grateful we all are.
I’m usually not a fan either.
But I do have a lot to be grateful for, and as I reflect on 2019 and what’s ahead in 2020 there are many things that Alliance’s followers will appreciate hearing about.
Alliance has had another highly successful year with very strong returns that consistently beat the market returns. We continue to focus on specific real estate niches, including net-lease, single-tenant medical properties that keep producing big wins.
Having a strong, talented team is key to Alliance’s success. I’ve been extremely lucky in my career to find and cultivate great relationships within our team and among our partners. I can’t overstate the importance of quality relationships for my approach to business and life. Over the last year, I have continued to invest time and energy in people I care about, both at work, and in my personal life. Investing in my colleagues and our positive team culture is a big part of Alliance’s success. I’m confident that this is time and effort well-spent.
On the investing front, Alliance’s fundamentals-based approach continues to pay dividends for our investors. I’m proud of the deep expertise that our team has developed in analyzing real estate trends, making accurate valuations, and conducting top notch due diligence and negotiations to close winning deals. We’ve got the best team in the game, and I’m incredibly proud of what we have built.
In my personal life, 2019 was another year of personal growth. Even when work was busy, I’ve seen how a regular workout really pays off in improved productivity and happiness. I’ve also been pushing myself to take more time to unplug, reflect, and recharge. Staying consistent on these health practices has often been challenging. But sticking to the program, and keeping a healthy diet, is very important to me. I think I did pretty well in 2019, and I look forward to another healthy year in 2020.
As the new year approaches, I have plenty to be grateful for, and plenty more areas to continue my growth. I will continue to build Alliance’s brand and cultivate my team. I’m also aware that my kids are growing up fast, and next year will be an important year for quality family time. No matter what, I will stay focused on my values — invest in the people around me, stay consistent, and hope that my good fortune holds. I hope you’ll do the same.