

Yes, You Should Take a Vacation

Lifestyle December 16, 2021/Lifestyle Summer travel plans have been upended, but that doesn’t mean you should stay home. I believe that in these stressful times,…


Yes, Sports Should Come Back

Lifestyle December 16, 2021/Lifestyle In this time of hardships, America needs sports. Sports have a special place in our society. They offer us compelling drama,…


Business Schools are Ripe for Disruption

Lifestyle December 13, 2021/Lifestyle Warren Buffet wisely said that price is what you pay, value is what you get. Are traditional MBA programs really delivering…


Sports Reflect Life

Lifestyle December 8, 2021/Lifestyle I love sports, and not for the usual reasons. While I played as a kid and I still have a few…


Productivity in the Digital Age

Lifestyle December 8, 2021/Lifestyle All of today’s amazing technology was supposed to make us all smarter, healthier, and more productive. What happened? Compared to what…


It’s Time for Tesla to Sink or Swim

Lifestyle December 8, 2021/Lifestyle Tesla is at risk of going out of business. This electric car pioneer has raised new capital every year since its…


Scoring Adversity is Un-American?

Lifestyle December 8, 2021/Lifestyle The College Board’s plan to add Adversity Scoring to the SATs is questionable. It means scoring people on the circumstances of…


New Frontiers of Self Improvement

Lifestyle December 8, 2021/Lifestyle Technology has recently started to overlap with personal health in powerful ways. These new innovations could offer new avenues for self-improvement…


Video Games Are Harmful?

Lifestyle December 7, 2021/Lifestyle I’m concerned about kids and video games. I see friends worrying about what their teenage kids do when they are not…


Woke Capitalism

Lifestyle December 7, 2021/Lifestyle There’s a recent business trend where companies are making big statements that seem designed to go viral. In today’s highly polarized…


Too Much of a Good Thing

Lifestyle December 7, 2021/Lifestyle   Recent news reports tell us that smartphone sales are slowing. This is terrible news for Apple, but it might be…

Be Smart About Working Hard

Lifestyle December 7, 2021/Lifestyle There are a variety of ways to get ahead in life. While nothing beats getting lucky, most of us have to…


Turn Off the TV

Lifestyle December 7, 2021/Lifestyle Success comes from actively shaping your own destiny. Even downtime is an opportunity to engage in your life and invest in…


Protect Your Data

Lifestyle December 7, 2021/Lifestyle The value of data is rising, and so are major hacking incidents. We’ve seen a steady parade of data breaches, from…


A New Chapter

Lifestyle December 7, 2021/Lifestyle It’s crazy how fast time flies by. My eldest son recently left to start college at the University of Southern California….


Never Outsource Your Thinking

Lifestyle December 7, 2021/Lifestyle My grandfather used to say that opinions are like ***holes, everybody’s got one. Thanks to social media, anybody can broadcast their…


If Admission Tests Aren’t Fair, Neither is Life

Lifestyle December 7, 2021/Lifestyle In recent years, I’ve seen a troubling trend toward protecting kids from unfairness and anything that might make them feel bad….


Better Relationships Beats More Relationships

Lifestyle December 7, 2021/Lifestyle   For cutting through all the digital noise, there’s still nothing like face-to-face interaction. Some people might call it wasteful to…


World Cup Fever

Lifestyle December 7, 2021/Lifestyle World Cup fever is here. While Team USA failed to qualify this time, we’ve just been selected to host (along with…


Our Digital Shadows

Lifestyle December 7, 2021/Lifestyle The internet is powerful because it connects us to each other. By the same power, it also connects different parts of…


You Are What You Eat

Lifestyle December 7, 2021/Lifestyle It drives me crazy that the word diet is so loaded with baggage. “Diet” commonly means self-denial, crappy food, ridiculous promises…


Gamify Your Goals

Lifestyle December 7, 2021/Lifestyle It’s been two and a half months since many of us made New Year’s resolutions and I’d bet that most of…


Mind Over Matter

Lifestyle December 7, 2021/Lifestyle Everybody wants to know the secret to success in life. I won’t pretend to have all the answers, but I do…


The Right Kind of Vacation

Lifestyle December 7, 2021/Lifestyle The ideal vacation is more than just a rest, it’s an opportunity to continue growing. I want my holidays to complement…


Watching Sports Is a Waste of Time

Lifestyle December 7, 2021/Lifestyle Some might call this heresy, but I think watching sports on TV is largely a waste of time. TV viewing, including…